The next Ellbogen Foundation grant cycle will begin with a Letter of Inquiry in the fall of 2024. Please use the form below to sign-up for fall 2024 grant cycle details and dates. 

The Ellbogen Foundation requires a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) as the first step in the grant request process. A period of time is set out before each Board meeting when the Foundation will receive and review letters that are input into a form that will appear below during that designated timeframe. Letters that are not received in the form in the designated LOI submission timeframe will not be shared or reviewed for formal proposal consideration.

The LOI includes three sections and is a short submission that succinctly summarizes the work being proposed; LOI content may be downloaded or viewed below. The narrative portion of the LOI is the most important of all the sections. Narrative content may be submitted in writing (subject to character limits) or in a 5-minute video. Written content is best developed in another document and then copy and pasted into the LOI form. Videos must be sharable via a link in the LOI form. Submissions may not include both written and video narrative; only one will be reviewed by the committee. 

LOIs will be reviewed by a committee of Ellbogen Foundation Board members who will decide whether or not to invite a grant proposal for funding consideration by the Ellbogen Foundation Board. Reviewing the LOI should give the committee enough detail to elicit curiosity, energy and excitement for the work that would be further described in a formal grant proposal; think of the LOI as an “elevator pitch” for funding.

Please contact Becca Steinhoff for additional support:  307-575-2443 

Please do not submit a Letter of Inquiry form for the following expenses, as these requests will not be funded:

  • Capital campaigns or building renovation costs,
  • Lobbying,
  • Conducting voter registration drives or influencing public elections.

Additionally, the Ellbogen Foundation prioritizes funding for initiatives and activities that serve the state of Wyoming or a region of the state. Occasionally, funding will be granted to particularly innovative or enterprising initiatives or activities that serve only a single community but it is unlikely that grants will be made to entities that serve one community or county.

The three content sections of the LOI may be downloaded here or reviewed below. The General Information and Geographies and Priorities sections must be completed and submitted in the online form. The Narrative section may be submitted in writing in the form OR in a 5 minute video shared in a link via the form. Submissions may not include both written and video narrative; only one will be reviewed by the committee. Please read these tips for developing a successful LOI.

1. General Information

  • Date
  • Legal Name of Organization
  • Contact information
  • EIN
  • Website
  • Applicant Contact, Title and contact information
  • Mission Statement
  • Grant Funds Requested from the Ellbogen Foundation
  • Total Project Costs (or total organizational budget for general operating grant requests)

2. Geographies and Priorities Identification

  • The Ellbogen Foundation prioritizes funding for initiatives and activities that serve the state of Wyoming or a region of the state. Occasionally, funding will be granted to particularly innovative or enterprising initiatives or activities that serve only a single community. Please indicate the geographic area served by your proposed grant work (i.e. list counties or indicate statewide).
  • The Ellbogen Foundation prioritizes work in the following areas. Please check the boxes of those priorities that your grant work aligns with and strengthens.
    Basic needs (food, housing, transportation, healthcare, wellbeing)
    Education (early childhood through post-secondary)
    Quality teaching
    Financial responsibility and personal self-sufficiency
    Civic education and engagement

3. Narrative

  • Tell us about your organization. Who do you serve and why?
    1,500 characters
  • What are you applying for and how much?
    750 characters
  • The Ellbogen Foundation seeks to understand the needs of the people it serves and funds impactful work that addresses those needs. Describe the need(s) you are trying to address with this funding. What will this grant help you do?
    1,250 characters
  • The Ellbogen Foundation recognizes that collaboration and partnership are critical to achieving impact. Who are you working with?
    1,000 characters

    LOI Interest Fall 2024

    Sign up for additional LOI details


    This form will be available in the fall of 2024.